If it wasn’t already obvious, from 2016 onwards it became impossible to deny that politics has become really weird. Across Western democracies, conventional parties have struggled to respond to the anger and impatience of voters and to an invasion of disruptive actors from the fringes of debate. We keep waiting for our democracies to return to ‘normal’ but it’s pretty clear now that, well, this is it.
However chaotic it can seem, there is a logic to the new politics, and nobody understands that logic better than James Kanagasooriam.
James is a pollster and analyst and Times columnist, and one of the smartest political brains around, anywhere. He has an encyclopaedic knowledge of electoral democracies. In this first episode we discuss his theory of ‘culturenomics’; the fusion of cultural and economic issues. James takes us on a brilliant tour d’horizon of global political trends, starting with the UK and US. In the second episode, to be released shortly (for paid subscribers only), we focus on young voters, and ask if, and why, they’re shifting to the right.
If you’re remotely interested in politics you won’t want to miss any of this discussion.
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